Aesthetician looking to plan your next Brand Photo session? I’m Trisha, and Arizona Brand Photographer that specializes in Female Brands! Today we are going to chat all about planning a brand session for Aestheticians! Today’s blog is featuring Agave Aesthetics AZ.
As an aesthetician, your work revolves around enhancing beauty and confidence. Capturing your essence through a brand photoshoot is not only about showcasing your skills and services, but also conveying your approach and authentic personality. Here’s how you can plan a photoshoot that truly reflects your brand:
1. Define Your Brand Identity
- Vision and Values: Start by defining what your brand stands for. Is it about natural beauty, luxury treatments, or inclusivity? Your photos should embody these values.
- Target Audience: Understand who your ideal clients are, and who you want to attract. Your photos should resonate with them and attract their attention (aka make them want to work with you)
2. Conceptualize the Shoot
- Theme and Mood: Choose a theme that aligns with your brand. Whether it’s serene and calming or vibrant and energetic, ensure consistency throughout your outfits and location choices.
- Mood-boarding: Plan the shots in advance. This includes location, props, and any specific poses or treatments you want to showcase. I help all of my brand clients think through their moodboards and we create a customized shot list based on your goals!
3. Selecting the Right Team
- Photographer: Find a photographer experienced in capturing brands. Look at their portfolio to ensure their style matches your vision.
- Models or Clients: Depending on your concept, select models or clients who represent your ideal client, and what you want to showcase. Often times, we will do small portions of each service you are wanting to showcase to get a few shots of each service. This means your model or client will not get a full service done during the photoshoot. Past brand clients of mine have incentivized clients to be their models by offering a discount on a full session, or gifting them add on services when they book their next full services.
4. Choosing the Perfect Location
- Studio vs. On-Location: Decide whether you want a controlled studio environment, which often have very clean, crisp, and fresh atmosphere- or if you are looking for a more natural setting that showcases what your clients will actually see when they come into your storefront.
- Lighting: Good lighting is crucial for showcasing your work. Many storefront’s are windowless- meaning your session will have the use of flash photography to get ideal lighting. If you are interested in having really crisp, bright, natural lighting, but your storefront has no window or natural lighting, consider a studio instead.
5. Styling and Props
- Brand Aesthetics: Be sure that your outfits and props complement your brand’s aesthetic. Simple, elegant choices often work best to keep the focus on your work, and keep your images feeling timeless!
- Details: Pay attention to small details like makeup, hair styling, and accessories. They should enhance your brand’s image without overpowering it. I always recommend getting professional hair and makeup done for brand sessions, it really does make a difference in the final images. We go through and create and entire shot list together, to ensure we get the most out of our time together, and exactly what you need!
Ready to book your Brand Photos with me? Click below and let’s chat!
Brand: Agave Aesthetics AZ
Book your brand photos with me here
See more Brands by Trisha

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