My Motherhood Mini events are some of my absolute favorite’s of the entire year, and this year’s Spring Floral Motherhood Mini’s were no exception! Nestled in the heart of downtown Phoenix, Arizona we had a Spring filled space with beautiful florals and darling mommy and me memories!
Motherhood photography has such a special place in my heart. My life’s work has encompassed loving and serving women and children, from my time as a pediatric nurse, to a Labor and Delivery nurse- and a photographer weaved in between; this season of life brings me so much joy.
Since becoming a Mother myself, almost 9 years ago, I have come to realize just how truly special and important it is for us to be in photograph’s *WITH* our babies. I want my own children to have tangible memories to look back on, one’s where I am in the photo’s with them. Where they can see and feel the endless love I have for them. And, I want that for all of my mama clients, too.
As Mothers we give and give, and love so much. We take photo’s on our phones of every little moment of their lives, and often forget to get images of us, mothering them, too.
This is why Motherhood Mini events are so special to me. Thank you for the honor of photographing these memories, and making sure you are in the photo’s, too!

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